Monday, November 26, 2007

Love Card


(never what it seems)

love. as in: missing you. exhaust time. write poems. about love. for love. with the hope of falling. in love. with desperation. with in.action. a need. to be. cared for. a performance. of caring. smile. butter his bread.

love. as in: some body help me. I got bills. mommy lives. far. a way. I need. some one wash my panties. love. as in: sex. at night. after work. a person. to attend. functions with. a person. tell me I appear. beautiful. aesthetically. re.assure me. touch. a person. not plugged in. to the wall. can’t put it in. the drawer. a person. with breath. who loves me.

love. as in: my parents. their love. as a model. for my lovers. my imagination of. their love. or decision to. love. their children. their jobs. their house. while I re.side. alone. in new jersey. wear glasses.

love. as in: I’m sorry. I can never speak. to you. a.gain. as in: this will. never work. bet.ween us. me and you. it’s over. sorry. it’s not that. it’s not. love. it’s not that it’s not. it’s just not. love. as in: all over. now. love. as in: eating pizzas. on the bed. in our under wear. grow fat to.get.her. to age. with food. on my face. laugh. your feet. curl. under your thigh. massage your head. a beautiful shape. for a head. with a dip. love. as in: missing you. as in: a fantasy of what. kind. of. relation ship we might sail. if we weren’t two. authentic people. there were never enough. lies. for us. to survive.

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