Monday, November 26, 2007

Learn Card


(ways in which to grow.)

knowledge. now. from a ledge. sitting on the fire. escape. for a defined period of time. to contemplate. perhaps. to jump. to learn. to watch birds. trees move. a cat comes. I click. at it. silence. take space in. breathe. listen. period of quiet. reflect.ion. ankles tinge. the bowels. learn. from the ear. to hear. as in, to shut up. this once.

loud students. a bus stop. cram. wear uniform colors. hormone display. cuss words. hard.cover text books. the cafeteria. learn. where to sit. with whom.

soothing brilliance. red yarn. sculpted into hair. attached to a piece of glass. as in, art. learn to appreciate the fantasy. the idea. learn to allow. art. without teachers. only silence. ancestry. to guide you. through this tempest. of knowledge.

imagine college. read. books. suggested. take them. at their word. speak some other. language. become. a doctor. study. sturdy.

for.get a job. one that promises pay. don’t. become an artist. for money. poetry pities payment. become a poet. for spirit. to acknowledge. the god.dess. erupted from for knowledge.

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