Sunday, December 7, 2008

No Mas de Problemas

No mas de problemas.
Turn the words like a tiny gameshow host.

“Be Better Than You Are.”

And I will do everything to answer or cry
when you make jokes when I ask questions.

And when you want to lose condoms inside me
I will answer and open my legs because
babies are catastrophes I create in my sleep,
& love is as useful as a helmet
when I dive from the side
of a mountainslide
on a motorbike
until I find

another butch
to cling to,

and wonder why
I’m stuck
in this truss
all the time.

Call whenever you want.
Your skillfun working
prickly dick has
solved more problems
of machismo and hopefully,
her name won’t provide
additional concerns ‘cuz
we can’t have any more,

No mas de problemas, Papi.

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